Calm Is Just A Breath Away

By Jessica Varone


An impromptu swim by her kids poolside heralded a transformative moment for Jenna Hermans, parenting specialist and author of Chaos to Calm. "I realized that I didn’t know who my kids would be the next summer," Hermans reflects, underlining the ever-evolving nature of parenting. As fleeting as these moments are, they reminded her to treasure even the chaotic ones, shaping her approach to mindful parenting.

Hermans integrates her psychology and early childhood education background with an intuitive, curious approach, one she believes allows parents to shift from a chaotic to calm mindset. According to Hermans, this involves becoming "a perpetual learner of their children, of themselves, and adapting as needed along the way."

Central to this is the practice of mindfulness: staying present, curious, and non-judgmental. Mindfulness empowers Hermans to shift her interactions with her children, asking questions instead of making assumptions. "Their answers dictate how I respond," she shares, "rather than defaulting to historical parenting patterns."

The journey from chaos to calm is indeed possible, Hermans reassures, with the right techniques and a shift in mindset. It's not just about personal tranquility but its ripple effect. "Your calm has a ripple effect that benefits all," Hermans emphasizes, reinforcing how personal calm can enhance relationships with children, partners, and the wider community.

As parents navigate the whirlwind of a new school year, Hermans offers key practical strategies: proactively tackle back-to-school shopping to minimize stress, make the first day memorable with a special family meal, and remember to prioritize self-care amidst the hustle.


With Hermans' mindful approach, the chaos of parenting can transform into a calm journey of perpetual learning and growth. The idea is to stay curious, to stay present, and above all, to remember that in the swirl of chaos, calm is just a breath away.


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