Celebrating Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month every March is a celebration where women of all backgrounds are recognized and celebrated for their achievements. We must keep the conversation going to renew equality, inclusion, and women's social participation in society. Conversations we have with our friends, family, and coworkers daily are just as essential to raising awareness and supporting the women in our lives. We can all impact the norm for the better.

Jade Mills

Top luxury real estate agent in Beverly Hills with over $7 Billion in career sales

If you could have dinner with three inspirational women, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

  1. My mother.  I would love the opportunity to sit just one more time and have dinner with the best mother to ever grace this earth. She passed away just a few years ago and I think of her every day.  There are so many things I would like to talk to her about and ask her how to handle certain situations. She always had the perfect answers.  She was strong, yet soft.  She was kind, but tough.She was loving, yet gave my brother and my boundaries.  She was spiritual and understanding of people from all walks of life. I am always striving to emulate her with my own children.

  2. Michelle Obama because she is an incredible role model for all women. I had the pleasure of meeting her a few years ago, and she looked into my eyes and sincerely said it was nice to meet me. She is a woman from the South-side of Chicago who went to Princeton and then became a high-powered lawyer. She is sincere and determined.  She graced our country as the First Lady and is admired by so many people.

  3. Princess Diana dedicated her life to helping other people and was kind beyond belief. Her activism and glamour made her an international icon.  She was elegant and courageous in her difficult role.  She lived a very public life and handled it in a beautiful way.  I would love to have dinner with her to discuss her views on what it was like to be a princess and if she could have done it all over, would she do anything differently. 

Viktoria Chernetski

Actress and Owner of Circumpunct Studio 

What did you dream of becoming when you were younger?

I wanted to be an artist and an astronaut. I was always creative and loved painting, looking at the night sky, and studying planets. But I never dared to try acting until my late twenties.  A chance encounter with an acting class brought both my dreams to the surface, as I am now an artist reaching for the stars. And who knows, maybe one day, I will get to play an astronaut! 


Raven Vermeil

Founder and lead interior designer at Décor Beverly Hills

Founder & Chair of the Women’s Business Network Committee with the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce

The action or decision you're most proud of?

I am proud of my decision to establish the Women's Business Network with the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce. As someone primarily raised by my grandmother and mother after my father passed, I am no stranger to the powerful leadership that women can provide. I've always believed in the divine force of women uplifting one another, and it has been phenomenal to witness the support of women within this community. WBN is the newest Beverly Hills Chamber committee, where I currently serve as Chair alongside a fierce leadership team. The first monthly meeting was held in January 2022. Fast forward to now, we are hosting our first annual women's gala on April 19, 2023, at the legendary Peninsula Beverly Hills. It is compelling to watch this uplifting queendom grow!


Susie Albin-Najera

 Manager, North America Leisure Travel of Los Cabos Tourism Board

What did you dream of becoming when you were younger?

At a young age, I was introduced to travel and all of the fascinating aspects of it like different cultures, languages, music, and foods. I studied communications and rhetoric in college as well as Latin American history, and thought I would become a broadcast journalist. I dabbled in many jobs throughout college, studied Spanish and took more chances as I grew. You could say I had an open mindset. Soon my desire for travel grew strong and it was evident that I had to work in travel. I started attaching myself to anything travel related, writing for travel magazines, creating blogs, volunteering, and researching. Each road led to a different path, but to the same destination - a career in travel. I am doing exactly what I love and I'm so grateful for it. I do have plans to write a book so that journey has begun. 

Celine Torkan

Social Media Manager at Nederlander Concerts

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

Viewing 2+ minutes of morning sunlight is essential for your mental and physical health.

Have you faced any barriers in your career due to being a woman? If so, how did you overcome them?

HA – are there any womxn who haven't? I'm not sure I've reached a point where I can say I've successfully "overcome" any of these barriers. The obstacles are ongoing and I don't want it to sound like I'm done trying to put in the work. However, realizing that this battle is not about men vs. women, but rather about all of us working together, has helped me take steps in the right direction. 

What progress have you seen on gender equality in your life and work?

Organizations like Women Who Rock and Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls (Los Angeles) have made huge strides in terms of championing, supporting, and empowering girls of all ages in/through music. 

Shana Kheradyar 

Coordinator of Unscripted Formats, Disney +

If you could have dinner with three inspirational women, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

Oprah, Anne Frank and Malala Yousafzai. I'm inspired by their bravery and ability to persevere under difficult circumstances.

 What did you dream of becoming when you were younger?

I always dreamt of being a popstar/singer. I was always very interested in the arts and performing, and that desire to be in a creative industry never left me because here I am working for the Walt Disney Company years later.

 Which woman do you admire the most?

Without a doubt my mom. My mom is an Iranian refugee and has jumped through so many hurdles to create a better life for her family and I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for her.

Rachel Wood

Manager at Overall Management

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

Don't be afraid to ask questions. No one expects you to know everything, and if you're too afraid to ask questions you're just holding yourself back from learning and growing.

 What did you dream of becoming when you were a little girl? I always thought I would be an entertainment lawyer like both of my grandfathers until I was about 15 and started working more heavily in the live music space, but it's never too late for law school!

Sherry Andrus

Owner of Epiphany Boutique

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

Learn to embrace change! I remind myself that change is inevitable, and that I need to see it at a good thing. There is a constant flux of change in life and business (particularly retail!) so going against it goes against the natural cycle. This message helps me to get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself, even if at first it feels uncomfortable!


Beverly Hills Living Celebrating Women's History Month


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