Forty Under 40: Daniella Emrani

Daniella Emrani is committed to empowering young individuals to find their voice and 'make a statement'.

Photograph by Michael Allen

Daniella Emrani, 36


"The right words are keys to doors that all of us should have access to opening," states Daniella Emrani, the founder of 'Make A Statement,' a professional writing consultancy where she supports aspiring college students and young professionals in articulating their vision on paper. By learning each applicant’s unique story, she captures their authentic voice, guiding them through the overwhelming process of applying to competitive undergraduate and graduate programs.

Holding a Masters in Literature, Emrani's passion for the power of words translates into her work. With over a decade's experience, she caters to an extensive client base annually, evident in the glowing reviews on her active Yelp page. Her dedication extends beyond her business, reflected in her work as a home/hospital teacher for BHUSD students who can't attend school due to health issues.

"The right words are keys to doors that all of us should have access to opening."

"I am especially passionate about supporting minorities, namely recent immigrants, so nothing deters them from pursuing a higher education.” As both a fluent Farsi and Spanish speaker, Emrani takes pride in bridging the language barrier. This spirit of giving back extends to her involvement with organizations including the PTA at Hawthorne Elementary, where she serves as Chair of Community Events and spearheads the annual book fair.