3 Skin-Care Secrets For Healthier-Looking Skin

By Dr. Ehsan Ali, Founder of Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor

By Cary Schultz

I am often asked by patients of all ages, both men and women, what can be done to help maintain a youthful appearance, help reverse signs of aging, or help their skin look good/better. I firmly believe that the best way to help fix and heal damaged skin/wrinkles is by establishing healthy habits and routines to prevent skin damage from occurring.

Too often, I see young patients, even in their 20s/30s, who have aged prematurely and have significant skin damage, causing them to look much older. Sun damage, hyperpigmentation, sun spots, wrinkles, fine lines, and loose skin. It's much easier to prevent it than to fix it.

Starting at an early age, here are some basic skin care routines I recommend (and I also practice myself).

  • Proper hydration. I aim for 2-3 liters of water per day. This will help prevent premature fine wrinkles from forming. Dehydrated skin can start to look like aged and distressed leather!

  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure (such as tanning). Wearing sunscreen every day (even if just leaving the house for routine errands/going to work/school. The sun exposes your skin to UV rays, which can cause irreversible damage, Not only do I recommend avoiding prolonged sun exposure, such as tanning, but also always putting on good sunscreen before leaving the house. SPF 30 is sufficient.

  • Retinol cream every night. Retinol helps boost collagen formation and, therefore helps maintain healthy skin. Giving it fullness and preventing fine wrinkles from forming. Also used to help treat/prevent acne.

Now, if you have started seeing damage to your skin, there are treatment options available. Depending on your health history, a few different treatments exist that guarantee results:

  • MICRONEEDLING: Microneedling is a painless procedure where several small needles attached to a device are run over your skin (after being numbed with topical numbing cream), and this stimulates the growth of collagen and also opens up blocked pores. Most people see great results instantly. Frequent treatments will result in even better results.

  • CHEMICAL PEELS: There are several different grades of chemical peels. Personally, I have tried the Cosmelan Peel (which is the peel of all peels). This treatment caused the superficial layer of skin to peel off (this layer has all the sunspots/ hyperpigmentation, acne scars, acne, blackheads, and other blemishes). Allowing this layer to peel allows for a new superficial layer to form that is much healthier, smoother, and cleaner.

Remember, the journey to beautiful skin is a marathon, not a sprint, and it begins with the choices you make every day. So, drink your water, shield yourself from the sun, and nourish your skin nightly with retinol. Your future self will thank you for the care and attention you invest in your skin today.



To schedule call (310) 683-0180 / text (323) 831-1998

Follow Dr. Ehsan Ali on Instagram @beverlyhillsconciergedoctor


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