Home For The Holidays: Pro Tips To Keep Your Home Safe

A conversation with David R. Corio, Regional VP of ACS Security

-By Jessica Varone

Although the holidays bring a lot of joy and happiness for the whole family, they are also a time of stress when burglaries are very common. With presents everywhere and more cars parked near the home, theft is all too likely over the holidays. A survey by Apartment Guide revealed that over a quarter of Americans (26%) are concerned about a winter break-in. Utilizing a home security and home automation system can offer the protection you deserve.


With millions of homes stocked full of packages during the holidays, theft is far too common. From breaking into homes to stealing packages delivered to your doorstep, burglars stay busy during the holiday season. It’s a great idea to purchase a home security service from a reliable company. If you subscribe to ACS Patrol, our officers will take care of your packages while you are away.


Try to schedule deliveries for times you know you’ll be home.

• If you know a package has been delivered and you’re not home, ask a trusted neighbor to grab it for you.

• Send packages to a different location, if possible, like your work or a security locker.

• Install a video doorbell and consider extra security cameras.

Security cameras will keep an eye on your home, alerting the alarm monitoring center of any suspicious activity and sounding the alarm to scare off any potential thieves while alerting the proper authorities. Along with motion detectors and top-notch security monitoring, this service can give you the peace of mind you need during the holidays.


Given that many people travel during the holidays, this leaves manyhomes vacant—which opens the door for theft. But when the right homesecurity service is in place, you can keep these burglars at bay and protect theitems inside your home. And with a few holiday travel security precautionsand a bit of prep, you can keep your home safe and secure while you’re away.

As an ACS Patrol subscriber, you receive 10 days of vacation watch a year.

Some other tips to consider:

Make it seem like someone’s home – use home automation to set timers foryour lights and double-check your door locks

• Have a trusted neighbor check in on your home while you’re away

• Notify your security company that you’ll be traveling and be sure to armyour security system before you leave


During the holidays, accidental fire rates increase to very high levels.

Holiday decorations cause more than 700 home fires every year. Protect your family and protect your property. Having a fire alarm monitoring system in place can help you stay safe from detrimental fires.

Fire alarm monitoring offers more protection for you and your family in the event of a fire. Normal smoke detectors simply make noise, which is what they're supposed to do. But all that really accomplishes is to alert anyone in the home or area that a possible fire is occurring. With monitored fire alarms, an alarm monitoring center will be alerted as soon as a fire alarm or smoke detector is triggered. The monitoring center will then alert the fire department and make sure everyone has safely gotten out of the house.

In any moment of crisis, time is a precious resource. A fire alarm monitoring system can make a difference OF life-saving minutes.


If you’re looking for more ways to keep your family safe, check out our home security and automation solutions at ACS Security. From outstanding motion detector services to providing an easy-to-use security monitoring system,we can offer the protection you deserve along with a wide range of home security options to protect you and your family. If you’re ready to discuss our custom solutions, contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you prepare for what’s next.



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