Let’s Keep Beverly Hills Beautiful

Featuring Bette Treiman

My name is Bette Treiman. Our family has lived in Beverly Hills for a long time. Long enough for our four children and 3 of my grandchildren to go through the Beverly Hills School System.

I began picking up trash when the California Parks Foundation reached out to its members to go to our neighborhood REI, get gloves and plastic bags, and go to our parks to pick up trash. I started with Goldwater Canyon Park, picking up bits and pieces around the playground equipment and sandboxes. Then, I decided to do the same thing on my walks with my dog, Lucky. I particularly try to get plastic, even out of the street when I see it, so it doesn’t get into the drain storms and run off into the ocean.

A few years ago, California Parks had a contest to see who got the most unusual items; I thought finding a parrot on the sidewalk would at least get me an honorable mention, but I never heard from the Park Foundation at all. Oh, well!

When I walk in my area, I constantly run into visitors who say how much they enjoy visiting Beverly Hills. I hope that all of us can do our part to keep our city beautiful.


If you have a special message to share like Bette, email us at jvarone@bevhillsliving.com for a chance to be featured.


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